Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Millie and the Potty

Amelia has a new thing that she has to do every time she uses the bathroom. She has to be the one to turn on the light and the fan when she goes. You can't simply turn it on for. So if you go with her to make sure she uses her special little adapter seat that prevents her from peeing out through the gap between the seat and the bowl she will refuse to go if you turn the light and fan on yourself. She has to do it. Which wouldn't be a problem accept for the fact that both switches have to come on at exactly the same time. It's like in the movies where the president and vice president have to turn their access keys at the same time to deactivate the nuke. And if they don't come on at the same time she will try and try and try until they do, or in one case until she wet her pants. Only one guess where she gets this OCD behavior from.
Oh and if you ask her why the fan has to come on she'll say,"Dad, that's so my poop won't stink."


Doug said...

stuff a grandparent loves to hear.

Mindinder said...

Speaking of wetting your pants! That is so funny. I'm glad Zerin just goes in the bushes...seriously, I think we've finally trained him that you don't just drop your pants at the park...not as funny as the light switch thing.