That's right, today only, you get two posts for the price of one. Today I kept the camera close by and photographed a few of the significant things that happened today.
Photo 1. This morning as I was helping Amelia put a puzzle of Cinderella together at the table Isabelle decided she wanted to help out by putting her hands on the box of the puzzle and sliding it back and forth on the table. Unfortunately she slid it too far one of the times and slid right off the table onto the floor. She was however able to break her fall slightly by catching her chin on Amelia's chair on the way down. She hit hard enough to break the skin, but not enough to need stitches. I was able to calm her down by letting her play like she was sleeping in our bed, which happens to be one of her favorite things to do.
Photo 2. Millie felt left out and wanted to sleep in our bed also.
Photo 3. Millie spelled her first word today. Lately as we read to her we've been trying to get her to recognize words on her own like hat, bear, cat, mud, zoo, etc.. Today she picked up the two O's and put them side by side, and after looking at them for a moment she looked around for the Z and put it in front of them. She then turned to me and said, "ZOO!"
Monday, July 16, 2007
Some photos of the day
Fun With Grandma Tenney
Jerusha's mom came out to see her grandkids for about a week. The girls loved having grandma around, and really missed her when she was gone. Indeed the first question Isabelle asked me the morning after grandma left was, "Where Megan go?" (No matter how hard we tried she wouldn't call Judy grandma, instead she would call her by the other name she knows most of her mommy's friends by, Megan. Some examples include Megan Jaeger, Megan Mower, Megan Williams, Megan Palmer, etc..) Amelia was a little more troubled by Judy's absence and woke us up that morning in hysterical tears asking where her grandma had gone. Here are a few pictures I took of Judy and the girls.
P.S. I wasn't sure if everyone knew this, but if you click on these little pictures they will open up in a new window much larger so they are easier to see.